There's this guy walking along a road to town with his camel. Along the way, a guy stops and ask's if he needs a ride to town. The guy sez, "Yeah," and hops in. The driver asks "What about your camel?"
The guy replies, "Oh, he's okay... he knows his way to town."
So the driver start's driving, gets up to about 45 MPH, looks in his rearview mirror and sees the camel right behind him. He sez to the guy, "Hey buddy ya know your camel is behind us?
The guy replies, "Yeah it's okay, he knows his way to town. Speed up a little."
The driver speeds up to about 55 MPH, he's driving along, and look's behind him and again see's the camel. He sez to the guy, "Your camel is still there."
The guy replies, "Really it's okay, he knows his way to town. Speed up a little."
So the driver speeds up to 65 MPH. He drives for a bit, look's behind him, then looks at the guy and says, "Hey buddy your camel, he's looking pretty rough."
The guy replies, "Oh yeah? What's he doing?"
The driver sez, "Well, his ear's are folded back and his tongue is hanging out."
The guy replies, "His tongue is hanging out? Which side?"
The driver sez, "The left side."
The guy replies, "You'd better hold your course... he's fixin to pass ya!"
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